ALOHA...........We are Jonathan, Annabelle, Kenneth & Shirley

How old is Jonathan?

How old is Baby Annabelle?

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Pregnancy Journey

Call me KS but I have actually started preparing some of baby stuff.

Baby Items bought :
Medela PIS Breastpump
10 pieces of Baby Napkins
Changing Mat
6 pairs of Mittens & Booties
Avent Milk bottles (5 x 125ml, 5 x 330ml, 20 x milk container, teats, 4 x pacifiers)

Baby Items to be bought during 3rd trim :
Nappy Rash cream (Desitin)
Baby shower gel (J&J head to toe shampoo)
Baby lotion (J&J)

Confirmed Booking :
Confinement Lady thru Ikare
Massage Lady

My Pregnancy Journey

All pregnancy are different. Knowing that this will most likely going to be my last round, I decided to take note of all the little details.

Week 4 - Week 12 :

Plastic bags and toilet bowls are my best friends. Everywhere I went, I had to lookout for toilets. I have lost weight but I looked like I was in my last trim even I was only in the 1st trim. Brain storming for names started and we have decided on 2 names, 1 for boy and 1 for girl.

Week 14 :

Gynea had requested me to test for Gestational Diabetes due to my family history and my big size. It was never easy to do that test. Overnight fasting is required and that is not the hard part. The hardest was to drink the glucouse drink in 10mins. The drink was super sweet and gassy which make me want to vomit. I really had to "tahan" as any spill will have to redo the test again. I had to redo the test during Jon time as I puked in the lab. LOL. The experience was unforgettable.

Week 16 :
Delivery packaged booked. Yup, I am going to deliver in Mount Alvernia Hospital.

Week 17-18 :

Experts mention that mummies should be able to feel their baby movements eariler compared to their 1st preg. This is really very true. I am able to feel her movements around w17 compared to Jon w20. Puking has lessened but I still not taking much chances.

Week 18 :

Baby gender is finally known. Not sure why but I have encountered Braxton Hicks Contractions. So I must be super careful with all my activities now. So goodbye to shopping.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The girls turn one

Times really flies. The girls have turn one. And it is super cute to see 3 of them sitting side by side.

New experiences

It has been months since I last blog. Yes... we are expecting a new member into our family.

As this is my 2nd pregnancy, I would rather say I am more relaxed. But all pregnancy are different. During Jon's time, I could not handle any pork related food during the first 16weeks. And this time round, I or rather the baby is very picky on the food. Most of the food is a no-no for me. Meaning I have become the plastic bag's best friend and the toilet bowl's best friend. And it is a no-no for all dairy products. I am now 18weeks but I am still puking. So whenever I puke, Jon will run far far away for me. So hopefully this will end soon.

We are happy to announce that :