ALOHA...........We are Jonathan, Annabelle, Kenneth & Shirley

How old is Jonathan?

How old is Baby Annabelle?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Funny Annie

** Princess Annie **

** Look.. I have 2 teeth !! **

Monday, June 11, 2012

Big vs Small

There are so many prams and strollers around but which is the best? No right or wrong. Is actually the user preferences. Some likes light weight and can bring up the bus. Some with cars will prefer more heavy duty. Hence we have 2 strollers at home now.

** big vs small **

** Enjoying her new stroller **

Renewal of Passport

We received a letter for Jon to renew his passport. Jon had his 1st passport when he was 2 months old. Taking passport pictures was never easy be it 2 months old or 5yrs old. It took awhile to get some nice pictures of him and at the same we took some candid shots of him too.

Dentist Visit Part 2

Another visit to the Dentist to fix his other cavities but unfortuantely he refused to open his mouth big. Guess he is too scare now. Hence the dentist managed to polish his teeth and there will be part 3 visit.


What was your ambition when you were young? Policeman, Fireman or model? Everybody has ambitions, be it young or old.

Jon's Amibitions :

1st Ambition :
Mummy : What do you want to be when you grow up?
Jon: Doctor!
Mummy : Why you want to be doctor? Because doctor can make us be healthy.

2nd ambition :
Mummy : What do you want to be when you grow up?
Jon : Lawyer
Mummy : Why? No answer.. but I think it is because he likes to argue.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mummy and Annie

I like to take pictures for both Jon and Annie. But you seldom see me taking my own pictures. Not that I do not like it but because I am always behind the camera. But once in awhile, I do cam whore with them. This time is with mummy and daughter cam-whore time!

** Sweet Annie **

** Pretty like mummy **

Late night snacks

We brought the kids for some snacks. Annie enjoying her durian while Jon enjoying his ice cream!