ALOHA...........We are Jonathan, Annabelle, Kenneth & Shirley

How old is Jonathan?

How old is Baby Annabelle?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The traditional confinement means : no shower, no fan no air-con, no go out for 30days. I will go nuts if I follow the rules. hahaha. I already broke the rule during day 3 in hospital. I washed my super oily hair with my sister's and hair dryer help. I had a confinement nanny to help me this time. And she is very good, not those traditional aunty. I was actually up and running my errands during my 2nd week of confinement. And I even went to rebond my hair. LOL. But rules are still rules.. I still followed some of them, eg, shower with herbs and had 1 week of Jamu massages to flatten my tummy. So are you the modern mummy or traditional?

** Pretty Me **

Inexperieneced Me

That's right, I did not breastfeed Jon. I was not prepared by the efforts to be put in to breastfeed. So I am the inexperienced mummy when it comes to this area. I did not know that I have to wake up in the middle of the night to express the milk else I will have engorement in the morning. I was just complaining to my gfs and all of them laughed stating that is normal. I was like.. aw!!! I had high fever for the whole day and realised that I had mastities!! It is really not an easy task to breastfeed. To express or latch every 2-3hours is really no joke. Really need a lot of patience and efforts!! So I totally saluate all BF mummies for all the hardwork! Well Done Mummies... including myself. hahahaha.

Aloha.. we are the Soh Happily Ever After Family

Proud Parents Again

That's right! After almost 36 weeks of pregancy, we are definately very happy and proud to see and carry our gal.

** Super tired but happy **

** Jon was also happy to receive his present **

** My 1st visitor - who waited for Annabelle in the ward **