ALOHA...........We are Jonathan, Annabelle, Kenneth & Shirley

How old is Jonathan?

How old is Baby Annabelle?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

I received my first mother's day card from Jon. With help of the teacher, this is the card that Jon made.

** Proudly on display at my work place **

Oldbird vs Noobs

I have been trying to gain my driving experience and I have noticed some behaviours on the road. Experienced drivers aka oldbirds tolerance level towards inexperience drivers aka noobs is almost zero. Whenever they see a P plate in front, they will try all means to overtake the car making the noobs super duper more kan-chiong. This makes me wonder on the sayings.. "What goes around, comes around" Meaning old-birds were also treated to the similar incidents when they were noobs. And once they graduate from the school of noob, they start to revenge. So if this is true, becareful of what you do cos what goes around now, comes around in the future.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Which ward will you pick if you are warded?

We all know medical bills are expensive. A day at Tan Tock Seng Hospital for B2 ward (maximum subsidy) costs $$54 to $61 while B1 ward costs $175. This does not include any tests conducted, Doc fees, medication fees. B2 is non-aircon while B1 is aircon with television attached.
Which will you pick? It is not an easy choice as both choices have their own goodness. Staying in B1 is surely more comfortable but the overall bill will be bigger compared to B2. I was given the option to select when Kenneth was warded. I am a person with a high level of comfort level so my basic instinct tell me to opt for B1. In the end, I picked B2 even tho we can claim from his Insurance.
The overall experience was quite pleasant beside the heat as we have gotten used to aircon and the staff nurses really took care of the patients needs. So which ward will you pick if given the choice?

Impt of driving

It has been almost 4years since I have gotten my driving license. But I can use my fingers to count the number of times I have droven around. Yes, that is how bad it is. I am so used to be the passenager and lost the confidence to be the driver.
But all these started to change after Kenneth was admitted to hospital due to lung infection. I realised the importance of driving. I started to practice my driving during weekends to gain my confidence back. I can use my toes to count the numbers of times I have drove now. LOL

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monkey see.. monkey do

Whenever we ran out of cash, we will always go to ATM to withdraw. Jon finds that ATM machine very interesting. He will search our wallets for the atm card, and try to withdraw the money. This happens all the time whenever he sees that ATM machine.
** finding the card **

** time to withdraw money **