ALOHA...........We are Jonathan, Annabelle, Kenneth & Shirley

How old is Jonathan?

How old is Baby Annabelle?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We went to JACOB BALLAS CHILDREN'S GARDEN at Botanical Garden last sunday and there was a carnival going. Lots of activity there. Jon loves the bubbles and the water fountain. Most impt, it is free. hahaha
*playing with bubbles*

*playing with bubbles*

*playing with bubbles*

*playing with water*

*playing with water*

*punishment time... pull ears*

*check out the live hulu*

*check out the live hulu*

*er.. he refused to let go of it*

*drooling away*

*playing with musical instruments*

*playing with musical instruments*

*playing w mist*

*playing with bubbles*

GOGO Bambini

We brought him to GOGO Bambini at Dempesy Hill. Wow.. huge playground for kids (from 3 - 12yrs). Lots of children screaming and playing and climbing in the circus playground. Abit dangerous for Jon. So we brought him to another corner to play. This corner is meant for small children (Infant to 3yrs). Rather small, I would say. But it is filled with colourful balls and some slides. $5 per entry for children from 1 to 2 yrs.

Visit to the Swimming Pool

It has been awhile since we last brought Jon the pool. Whenever we planned to bring him, it would rainned or he is sleeping. So the last visit was 2 months ago. He is more adventurous now as he can walk now. He even tried to walk in the water.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Born to Read, Read to Bond packaged

Born to Read, Read to Bond packaged

To promote reading as a child-bonding activity for parents with children 0-6 years, care packs were given to expectant parents containing:
  • Baby Journal (Journaled milestones & 25-page information guide)
  • Baby's First CD (for foetus to enjoy; parents to learn to tell stories, nursery rhymes and lullabies)
  • Baby's Height Chart (indicate baby's developmental milestones and appropriate reading)

*hehehe*.. Jon has collected his package.

READ! Singapore 2008 is on now!

Read! Singapore is now on from 1st Nov 2008 till 31st Jan 2009.
Let us all head down to our nearest National Library.