ALOHA...........We are Jonathan, Annabelle, Kenneth & Shirley

How old is Jonathan?

How old is Baby Annabelle?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It is Stitch Free day!!

1 week has passed since he tripped. Jon is recovering well. Today he will be stitch free!

** Can you see the wound at the top? Jon aka Harry Potter 2nd **

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What a Bloody Night

All parents will like to child-proof their house as safe as possible. But no matter how childproof, accidents do happen. Jon trip and hit on the edge of the wall last night. The wall cut his forehead quite badly. Things happen so fast. What actually happened? I am not sure cos I was not there when he tripped. But when I heard Kenneth saying Oh No! Jon Jon!! I rushed out from the room and saw 2 drops of blood on the floor. I thought to myself, mabbee its from the mouth. But when I picked him up, I got a shock. His head was covered with blood. And I looked carefully, there was a cut on his forehead. And blood kept oozing out. It was total madness. We wanted to go to KKH but went to Mt Alvernia instead as it was nearer to our place. Our hearts was totally broken when we were told tat Jon need stitches. Jon had 2 stitches on his forehead now.

Going to a private hospital has pros n cons.
Cons : Everything is so expensive. The medical bill was ard $600.
Pros : We do not have to wait long, everything was settled in 2hours. Went at 8.20pm, reached home by 10.10pm.

If we went to KKH, we may have to wait slightly longer but the bill will be much cheaper. A good thing is that we have bought an Accident & Hospital Plan for Jon and this bill will be covered as charged.

Hello from Nokia N86

After months of searching for the new phone, I have finally decided on Nokia N86. Why N86? Cos I been taking pictures from my phone and that phone has 8.1 mp camera. And its a Nokia. I been a Nokia user since day 1. So hello to N86.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Melcolm!

Hello Melcolm,
Happy 2 years old!. May you grow up a good and healthy boy! Hope you get lotsa of Thomas trains. Have fun!

From Aunty Shirley & Uncle Kenneth

How very true..

My mum asked me to help her to arrange for rewiring of her house. We asked her to stay with us during the process. But she does not want to move out. The electrician came and fixed it up all in 1 day job. But WOW... it was so dusty. Even after cleaning up the place, the house is still very dusty and hazy. By the time the dust settle, it was 3 days later. Then mum commented that she regretted for not heeding my advice. So I told her this :

忠 言 逆 耳 利 於 行 (Zhong Yan Ni Er Li Yu Xing)
良 藥 苦 口 利 於 病 (Liang Yao Ku Ko u Li Yu Bing)

The meaning of the above is Loyal advice that sounds unpleasant must still be followed. Effective medicine that tastes bitter must still be swallowed.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to Plan a Kids Birthday Party (Ages 1-8)

I have another 2 months to plan for Jon's 2nd birthday. Kenneth suggested to keep it simple as his 1st birthday. Get a nice cake for the family and sing him a birthday song.

Reason for being so simple :
Jon will not remembered. The party is really meant for adults only.

But I still cannot help to surf for Birthday Party for Kids. So just wanna to share this site that I came across.

Successful birthday parties don't happen by magic; the good ones are planned. It's important to bear in mind that any child's birthday party, after the first one, is for him or her, not for you. Forget showing off either your child or your decorating talents. A party must be fun for your child and the guest. Keeping it manageable, yet flexible, is the to success. And Planning is the key.

Ones have absolutely no concept of parties, despite the significance of the occasion. Schedules and formal games are unnecessary. Let's be honest: your child's first birthday is really for you and the family. Your hands will guide tiny ones in opening the presents, you will blow out the candles, and you will accept congratulations. The party will not be meaningful for your 1 year old, and you won't hurt his or her feelings if you choose to make it a celebration for adults only--really a celebration of the anniversary of your becoming a parent.

Twos are demanding, possessive, and grabby and can't truly grasp the idea of a party. Parties need to be planned with their social immaturity in mind, and with their parent(s) included. A party with a few favorite adults can be just as satisfying for a 2-year-old, as one with 2 or 3 other children. Supervised parallel play and a few activities will occupy a child of 2 and a few friends. Remember small children of small attention spans. No 2-year-old remembers a first birthday party, so whatever you do will be new and exciting. A party for this age need only be 1 to 1 1/2 hours long.

Children of 3 and up usually love a party. Those who are used to group situations can usually handle a party very well. If your child is shy or a loner, keep that in mind when setting up your party plan. While some children will be happy to stay at your house without a parent, some will not. Keep the party fairly informal. Avoid loud, rough games which may over stimulate children at this age. Separate quarreling children; it is better to remove a difficult child than to punish the child--after all, this is a party 3 year olds will enjoy both group games and solitary play. For the most part do not expect this age to cooperate in playing group games. Limit yourself to one or tow, as too many group games can overwhelm. They will happily take part in art projects, singing and circle activities. Some may need to sit alone and play with an assortment of unbreakable toys from the birthday child's collection. Guests of this age have been known to want to take their own gifts home with them, so don't be surprised if you have to deal with behavior problems. Between 1 and 2 hours should be enough time for the children and for you.

Children of 4 understand the idea of a birthday party just for them and really appreciate it and get excited about it. Discipline is usually not a problem at this age. Still, speed simplicity are in order. You will need short games, and you must keep the party moving because 4 year olds find it hard to wait their turn. Hunts of all kinds work well for this age and up. A good story, simple are and crafts projects, and games will be enjoyed. Physical energy abounds, so plan to channel it. Party time of 1 1/2 hours, but not more then 2 1/2 hours, will work well.

Children of 5 feel that parties are important and sometimes enjoy the planning and the anticipation even more then the party itself. While children of this age may seem self-contained and capable, the highly charged atmosphere of a party can be hard for a 5 year old to handle. Theme party ideas work well with this age. It is still hard for children of 5 to take turns, and they will need to be entertained steadily. Same-sex parties start to emerge for some at this age. Be sure to mark guests' take-home items clearly, because 4-year-olds don't like to "lose" things or get their possessions mixed up with others'. Parties away from home can work, but still run the risk of overwhelming your child and/or the guests. Be conservative in the place you pick and the number of guests you invite if you'll be outside the house. The ideal length of parties for this is about 2 hours.

AGE 6 and UP
Elementary-age children love parties, love the traditions, and eagerly plan and participate in all of it. A scene of fairness will be evident; theme parties are enjoyed; fewer children are fussy eaters. Their exuberance requires you to be well-organized. Parties away from home can work well from this age and on. Children at this age begin have their own ideas of how they want their party to be run. Do listen to them. After all, it's their day! Parties of 2 to 2 1/2 hours are fine. Parties for 6 to 8-year olds should not exceed 3 hours, or the children will get tired, overexcited, and hard to handle.

How ah Soh are you?

As we aged older, we are supposed to be more mature after seeing on certain things in life. So just wondering, older == more ah soh or older == wiser?

Let me quote an example :
Shopping in supermarket, do you or can you know the price difference between each supermarket or will you just grab and go?
Will you collect shopping points to redeemn freebies?

Er.. so which is true?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It is official.. we are in love with......

Kyoho Grapes!! hahahaha... Bought 1 box ($4.90) from fairprice finest for testing. Wow.. when you bite the grape into half with the juice is bursting into your mouth... you will be thinking is this WINE? The taste of the grapes is so unique and so nice. Even Jon likes it. We finished it in 1 day. Cant wait to buy more. hehehe